We are interested in this part to implement a $$\texttt{stack}$$ of integers using a $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$.
Let $$\texttt{H}$$ be a $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$ allowing the following operations:
- $$\texttt{Max-Heap CreateHeap();}$$ This operation creates a $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$. The capacity of the heap is fixed and cannot increase.
- $$\texttt{int insert(Max-Heap *H, element e);}$$ This operation inserts an element $$\texttt{e}$$ in the $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$ if there's room left. The element $$\texttt{e}$$ could be a complex type and $$\texttt{percolate up}$$ could be performed on one of its field members.
- $$\texttt{int deleteMax(Max-Heap *H);}$$ This operation deletes the maximum element in a $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$ if it exists.
- $$\texttt{int getMax(Max-Heap H, element *e);}$$ This operation returns the $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$ maximum element in $$\texttt{e}$$ if it exists.
- $$\texttt{int isEmptyHeap(Max-Heap H);}$$ This operation returns $$\texttt{true}$$ if the $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$ is empty, $$\texttt{false}$$ otherwise.
- $$\texttt{int isFullHeap(Max-Heap H);}$$ This operation returns $$\texttt{true}$$ if the $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$ is full, $$\texttt{false}$$ otherwise.
- Give the declaration of types $$\texttt{element}$$ and $$\texttt{stack}$$;
- Implement a $$\texttt{stack}$$ using a $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$.
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This exercise is mostly suitable for students
typedef struct
Heap h;
int counter;
} stack;
stack CreateStack()
stack s;
return s;
int isEmptyStack(stack p)
return isEmptyHeap(p.h);
int isFullStack(stack p)
return isFullHeap(p.h);
void Push(stack *p, int number)
element e;
int Pop(stack *p)
element e;
if (isEmptyStack(*p)) return 0;
if(DeleteMax(&(p->h), &e))
return 1;
return 0;
int Top(stack p, int *nb)
element e;
return 1;
return 0;
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